'Cause you said, said he was the one
Baby yes you said, said you were in love

Back to basics: Step 1
Outgrowing 17
Left-Handed Saggitarian

My passions: Step 2

What i am: Step 3


Dreams of a globetrotter wannabe: Step 4
Gold Coast
Hong Kong
New York
San Francisco
South Korea

My own domain
To publish a book

Want to know more about me?

Read my blog and you would start discovering fragments of me

P.S. All the works here posted belong to me unless stated otherwise. If you want to post them elsewhere, please seek prior permission from me before doing so. Thanks.

Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace

June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008

What $90 can get you at the arcade
Saturday, September 6, 2008, 9:33 PM

Ever wondered why anybody would spend so much at an arcade? My mum and my elder sis did just that. $90 at a stupid machine... Want to know what we got in return? Read on...

Well, it happened at Jurong Point. That's near Jurong West for anyone who dosen't know where it is... It happened at Zone-X which was newly revamped. Apparently, there's a relatively new machine, at least I think it is, where you basically use the machine to scoop candies from an area and deposit it at another area. At the area where you deposit the candies, there's two boards there. One of the boards is stationary while the other(above the stationary board) basically just slids forward and backward, pushing whatever candy it can into the collection area(whatever goes in here belongs to you. Can't think of a better word than a collection bin off-hand >.<) That's how the game works, more or less.

There's this additional segment where there is this LED display that has about 12 bars showing where you are now. The display is divided into 3 segments and there are 4 bars which are labelled C,B,A and JP respectively in the order from the bottom of the bar to the top. If you hit C,B or A, something special will happen to the boards to help push more candies into the collection bin(Hitting C,B and A does different things). JP stands for Jackpot and if you hit, you get the big prize i.e. the soft toy. So how dos the bar go up? I think a certain number of credits or successfully pushing a number of candies into the collection bin will trigger this wheel which starts spinning and will land on either a 1,2 or 3 which determines how much the bar will increase by. Sth like tt. I know it's confusing.

A picture of the LED thingy..

So my sis and mum were at like somewhere near B when they wanted to stop. Guess what? They then decided to continue playing again because it's such a waste to spend $50 and only get candies and they continued playing till they got the jackpot of course. All in all, they spent $90 on that stupid game. -.-"

Let me show you some pictures. =P.


20 Amazing and err.. ??? Pictures that you probably never saw in your entire life
Friday, September 5, 2008, 11:34 PM

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What happens in your body when you sleep
Thursday, September 4, 2008, 10:47 AM

Ever wonder what happens when you sleep? Here's a breakdown of your sleep cycle and why you should sleep early and wake up early.

Evening at 9 - 11pm: is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (detoxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music.. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.

Evening at 11pm - 1am: The detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 1 - 3am: Detoxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5am: Detoxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the detoxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am: Detoxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9am: Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no meal at all.

Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4:00 am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.

Disclaimer: The above information may not be 100% accurate. If you are going to make use of this sleep cycle to adjust your sleep time or use it in any other way, please double check it against other sources. I hold no responsibility. =).

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Poem dedicated to the Twilight series
Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 8:03 PM

A poem I composed dedicated to the books in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It started off more to express myself in words but i thought it would suit the Twilight series as well. So i thought i might as well dedicate it to the series as well.

The sun sets,

the night creeps.
The cold ever so binding,
the dark shrouding like plague.

Those eyes, ocher,
ever glowering.
It gets to me,
even in the darkest of nights.

It burns like frost,
not one left unscathed.
The chill bites in ravishment,
body torn and lacerated.

A contract of my soul,
one that clings to flesh and blood.
The covenant,

Convalescence was a dream,
only to be fulfilled in death.

Author: Arthur

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Annoying Skins-Haven Spammer
Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 10:52 PM

Are you a victim of this user who goes by the name of Skins-Haven and spams your blog no matter how much you try to delete her messages and ban her but to no avail? Read on...

I am annoyed. And yes, for real. It first started off with someone by the name of Skins-Haven who started off by posting a tag describing all about her blog. Well, what's her blog about? Some skins that you can download. Why did he or she spam my blog? I dont' know. I contacted Cbox about this and hope that they would do something about it. They haven't gotten back to me and I highly doubt they would do much about it...

These people are really desperate. Going around to advertise on other people's blog. They just can't seem to find any other avenue and go around invading other people's blog. I just can't take it anymore. For goodness sake, the skins aren't absolutely stunning and no matter how much you advertise it's not going to help if what you lack is pure quality. No amount of advertising will make up for that. Face up to it.

Here's a typical example of the person's tag. I got this from the control panel

Let's all boycott this blog. I'd rather not download skins from someone who invades spaces other than their own which are not meant for advertising.

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A real life story about a Haemophiliac
Monday, September 1, 2008, 10:56 AM

This is about Haemophiliacs and why we should donate to The Haemophilia Society of Singapore. There's a personal story from a Haemophiliac himself and some information about Haemophilia such as the treatment cost. It apparently was started by a schoolmate of mine who's a haemophiliac or at least his story was included in the email i got. I suppose the story's true since i guess most of my schoolmates forwarded it to me as well. Presumably true i suppose. Besides, the person included his real name... Dosen't seem like a cock and bull story... I thought I will just do my part and put it up on my blog. Put it up on your blog too if you empathize with him or think it's a worthy cause people should support. :)

Hi all,

Haemophilia is a genetically inherited bleeding disorder where there is a deficiency of a clotting factor in the blood. This results in a form of bleeding tendency. Thus, the haemophilia patient often suffers from easy bruising and bleeding into muscles and joints. Because of the genetic pattern of inheritance, the disorder generally affects males only. Females with the haemophilia genes are known as carriers.

I am one of the many haemophilia patients in Singapore and I am here trying to reach out to all of you to help us out in one way or another. With the advance medical technology these days, there's still NO CURE to haemophilia. We, the patients, rely on the injection of Factor 8 or Factor 9 into our body in order to live life like any normal human beings.(Details of the conditions can be read from www.haemophilia.org.sg)

Here's the cost of medication(for me):

5 Units of factor 8 per injection: S$22.74 X 5= S$113.70
3 injections per week: S$113.70 X 3= S$341.10
4 weeks per month: S$341.10 X 4= S$1364.4

Note: cost of each unit of the factor 8 has been heavily subsidized by hospital grant as well as Haemophilia Society's subsidy. Actual cost per unit is $122 for factor 8 and $242 for factor 9.

The point is, after the incident of NKF as well as the Ren Ci monk (Damn these pple), the haemophilia society of Singapore lost her greatest donor. Donations is very low and the society is basically falling on the balance that we have to help subsidize the patients costs. If this situation carries on, the society will soon be unable to subsidize the patients. In other words, it will become and other burden for the patients.

You can help, by just forwarding this message to whoever is unaware of the existent of this group. Yes, we are small, and thus we are vulnerable. Please help in whatever way you can. Some examples:

Corporate leaders: Donate money to help us through this difficult time.

Students: Spread this message around. Especially to those student leaders who are in search of beneficiaries for any charitable event, add 'The Haemophilia Society of Singapore' into your list of beneficiaries!

To anyone else: simply forward this message to as many people as possible in your address book!

Please direct all donations to the following:

The Haemophilia Society of Singapore
Or email to secretar@haemophilia.org.sg

The financial records of the society can be obtain from the webpage mentioned above. Don't worry, your donations will definitely be put to good use.


My Story:

I am a student, currently studying in Jurong Junior College. I am a haemophiliac (a term for haemophilia patient).

I don't remember when i started to know about this disorder in me. My mum takes extra care for me, and my father works extra hard to support the family. And my role, is to use up half of the family income each month. Let's drop the issue about money.

Being a male, I am a very active person. I play all kind of sports that i come in contact with, only to get scoldings by my mum. 'Others can play, but u cant, you are different.' That's what my mum told me. 'you are unique' might be something that one might one to hear, but all i heard is ' you are different'. That makes me sound like a freak.

But my doctors encouraged me to take on sports as long as i know how to take care of myself. All my classmates and teachers know about my disorder and took special care of me. I shud've been glad about it, but i felt so different.Why cant i be like others?

Until one day, wen i turned up for the Annual General Meeting for the Society, I spoke to this mother of a haemophiliac. She told me 'My son dare not do anything, PE , camps in schools, outing, he skipped them all. All he does is staying at home and play computer.'

This is a very common thing that happens to haemophiliacs, they close themselves in. We can lead normal lives if we receive prompt and adequate treatment. We could be like any other person out there, do the things that we want to do, if we are able to support ourselves for the treatment.

A summary of the story:
a.) Haemophiliacs close themselves in due to factors such as cost of treatment, views from society etc.
b.) Not able to pick up life skills like any normal person. Miss out things in life.

Not only everyone has the right to live, everyone has the right to live life to the fullest.
Surviving for survival is plain emptiness without a dream, let us have dream..
WE are a minority, but we have our rights to live and dream as well...
Grant us the chance, by donating now. Thank you...

With regards,

Wong Yang Ping (18 years old)

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